The Commission has published Regulation (EU) No 2018/1121 OJ ref. L204 which allows imports of biodiesel produced by new producer Organic Technologies to benefit from a lower rate of anti-dumping duty. The countervailing duty rate for ‘all other companies’ will also apply to this company.
This regulation took effect from 14 August 2018.
Company name: Organic Technologies Coshocton
ADD rate: 115.6 euros/tonne
Countervailing duty rate: 237.00 euros/tonne
Taric additional code: C482
The lower duty rates are conditional upon presentation to customs of a valid commercial invoice containing a declaration in the following format:
‘I, the undersigned, certify that the (volume) of fatty-acid mono-alkyl esters and/or paraffinic gasoil obtained from synthesis and/or hydro-treatment, of non-fossil origin, commonly known as ‘biodiesel’, in pure form or in a blend containing by weight 20% or less of fatty-acid mono-alkyl esters and/or paraffinic gasoil obtained from synthesis and/or hydro-treatment, of non-fossil origin sold for export to the European Union covered by this invoice was manufactured by [company name and address] [TARIC additional code] in the United States of America. I declare that the information provided in this invoice is complete and correct.’
The declaration must be signed by an official of the entity issuing the commercial invoice, showing the name and function of that official.
Without this invoice declaration the full anti-dumping rate of 172.2 Euros per tonne will apply.
The products are classified within the following commodity codes:
1516 2098 21
1516 2098 29
1516 2098 30
1518 0091 21
1518 0091 29
1518 0091 30
1518 0099 21
1518 0099 29
1518 0099 30
2710 1943 21
2710 1943 29
2710 1943 30
2710 1946 21
2710 1946 29
2710 1946 30
2710 1947 21
2710 1947 29
2710 1947 30
2710 2011 21
2710 2011 29
2710 2011 30
2710 2015 21
2710 2015 29
2710 2015 30
2710 2017 21
2710 2017 29
2710 2017 30
3824 9992 10
3824 9992 12
3824 9992 20
3826 0010 20
3826 0010 29
3826 0010 30
3826 0010 39
3826 0010 40
3826 0010 49
3826 0010 89
3826 0010 99
3826 0090 11
3826 0090 19
3826 0090 30
Hammad can assist with Anti Dumping Duty product classification and origin related issues.